WaitForChild in LocalScripts Infinitely Yielding? {GUI Question}

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? | I want to fix my script, it’s located in StarterPlayerScripts and is for ClickDetectors and Dialogue.

  2. What is the issue? The GUI doesn’t replicate its children. I have no clue why…

    This is what I’m trying, but it infinitely yields.

Here is the printed results, apparently the dialogue box has no children according to the localscript
But in the explorer(Client-Sided) it does appear.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?
    WaitForChild, FindFirstChild, the normal DOT operator. And print diagnostics. I searched online and I couldn’t find an answer.

Whenever in an active session with a client, the pieces aren’t in StarterGui, but in Player.PlayerGui. Check there.

If it doesn’t catch the child, it is probably because of whitespaces after the object’s name, which is extremely unlikely. You can take a guess if it was this issue.

No whitespace issue, and I did reference in PlayerGui. I honestly don’t understand what the problem could be…

Try setting the second parameter to a reasonable number of time. Probably an issue of no specific time to yield.

That is the time out, it will just skip it over after that much time has passed. Which doesn’t fix the problem.

I still cannot pinpoint the issue exactly. The odd thing is that 5 seconds has passed without that specific piece being replicated in time.