Waiting for an available server: Retrying... Issue

I would like to report a bug that makes a game literally unplayable. Waiting for an available server: Retrying… - That’s what I got if I want to join the game. We tried disabling beta features; it didn’t work. The game cannot be run inside Roblox Studio because it’s very big.

That just means the server is starting up.

The server needs to load the place file to run the game just like Studio. If you are truly unable to load it in Studio, even after waiting 15+ minutes, then your only option is to revert the place to an earlier version which works via the Version History part of the Game Settings on the Creator Dashboard.

The game doesn’t load. I’ve been waiting for it for 30 minutes. The game only loads after removing terrain.

You can make a Bug Report, also check your internet connection speed. Include that and the place ID in the bug report.