Wal-Mart© - Promotion Guide


Hello! This post will be a rundown on how promotions work here at Wal-Mart© . You will learn how to get promoted from being an LR all the way to an HR or even an SHR. This also explains the DOs and DON’Ts of being a staff member here.


It is important for staff members here at Wal-Mart© to be hardworking. We expect our LR’s to be at the store, even when there aren’t shifts hosted. This shows us you’re a motivated worker and shows us you’re capable of being a high rank here. As a staff member, we want you to represent us in a professional manner. This means using grammar, being respectful, and helpful.


As a staff member, a way that will guarantee that you won’t get a promotion is always seeking attention by asking for promotions. Don’t do this, all it does is reduces your chances of being promoted. If you’re a staff member here and you get caught being disrespectful or not following the rules, you’ll be suspended until further notice.

How to actually get promoted:

From the ranks of Trainee - Senior Team Member, you can attend trainings to be promoted. They are hosted everyday, at 12:00 PM EST (sometimes), 4:30 PM EST, and 7:30 PM EST.

For the ranks of Junior Team Member and up, you will use our point system to rank up. If you are an HR or an SHR, you must have discord in order to work here. Purchased ranks have an exception.

Promotion shifts: (Discontinued)
The only ranks that can be promoted at promotion shifts are Trainee - Coo.

Points System:
To get points, you need to work at our registers, the cafe, or the pharmacy. (You must be a Junior Team Member + to be able to get ranked with points)

Below states the required amount of points to get a rank. The points will continuously change.

Team Leader: 50 points
Store Supervisor: 150 points
Store Manager: 300 points
Chief Operations Officer: 500 points
Chief Staff Officer: 800 points
Security: 1200 points
Vice President: 1,700 points

Have enough points for a rank? Contact an ED+ to be promoted!

How do I get promoted to ranks higher than Vice President?
To get promoted to a higher rank than Vice President, you can either buy it as a donation, or wait for an owner to decide if you’re worthy or not. The best way for us to notice you is to host shifts and trainings, attend events, and being an active staff member as an HR without being told to.

Can I just buy a rank?

Yes, you can! If you want to instantly work and not go through the process of ranking up, you can purchase rank donation gamepasses which is located in the store section of the main game. Reminder: Even though you bought a rank, if you break our rules or do things we don’t condone, we have every right to fire you at any given time.

Rank Regulations:

-LR’s can be promoted twice a day.

-MR’s can be promoted every 3 days.

-HR’s can be promoted every 10 days.

-SHR’s are chosen whenever by an Owner.

Rank Expectations:

MR: As an MR, you are expected to be respectful to others and use good grammar at all times. You should help out other staff members with anything they might have problems with, such as registers, trollers, drinks, etc. This will show us that you are capable of assisting and giving advice to other people. Attending shifts frequently, staying active in the group all the time are some ways you can be noticed more than others.

HR: As a high rank, your responsibility is to host shifts and trainings, assist others that need help, kick any trollers, and keep track of MR’s and LR’s. If there is an issue during a shift/trainings make sure to report it to a GM+ via. Discord. HR’s should be professional and mature at all times. Don’t start arguments, create drama, yell at other staff, etc. These are some things that can get you demoted and/or fired. You should be active on Roblox and Discord unless you have an inactivity note.

Other Posts:
Our Main rules and Regulations

Our Training and Interview Guide

Our Alliance Guide

:video_game: GAME LINKS :video_game:
•Store: Wal-Mart🛍 - Roblox
• Application Center: Application Center - Roblox
•Training Center: Wal-Mart🛍 Event Center - Roblox

~ Drintional


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