Wal-Mart SHR Training Guide


Hello, this post will be a rundown on how SHR’s (Senior High Ranks) are supposed to be trained. This guide will show the SHR trainers on what to do when training an SHR. To train an SHR, you will need to be an SHR and be chosen by an owner to assist train the newly recruited SHR’s. After the applicants have been chosen by the owners to be trained, they will need to go to the event center at the designated time and wait until the training starts.

(Host Information until Training Exercises)
What to do when the training starts: After the countdown has ended, please make one last announcement on the discord and wait 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds are up, :slock the server. If any members that joined aren’t a selected candidate, please kick them from the server.

Hosting Commands (Only for Host or Co-Host)
  • :slock (If you haven’t already done it)

  • :sm Hello, and welcome to the Wal-Mart SHR training, hosted by [Name] and joined by my amazing co-host [Name].

  • :sm This training is exclusive to those of you that are here today. You have passed the application stage and this training will determine if you will get an SHR rank.

  • :sm Please refrain from talking or asking questions until the end of this introduction. Failure to do so will result in a warning. If it continues after a warning higher disciplinary actions will be taken.

  • :sm Now, let’s go over some rules to help this SHR training go smoothly. Please be patient while we discuss them

  • :sm Since you are all candidates to become an SHR at Wal-Mart, we expect you to use grammar and punctuation at all times. We will also be strict and give you 3 strikes if you fail to use grammar and punctuation 3 times.

  • :sm If you troll, exploit, or your abuse admin power, you will be instantly banned and won’t have a chance at coming back to the training.

  • :sm Dress code: You should all be familiar with our dress code since you’re all candidates to be an SHR, but if you’re not familiar, wear Walmart merch which is found in the group store, game, or in the training area here.

  • :sm Please don’t wear anything inappropriate. This could get your Trainee SHR position taken away.

  • :sm If you do pass, please don’t admin abuse, break rules, or act unprofessionally. This will lead to an automatic demotion.

  • :sm Now, does anyone have any questions they would like to ask? (If they don’t, then use the next command)

  • :sm If you have any questions during the training, feel free to ask your trainer. They’re more than happy to answer you.

  • :sm Alright trainers. Grab your SHR trainee and get to training!

Training Exercises:
(There will be questions underneath the Exercise. Make sure to ask these questions from your trainee SHR and determine if the response is good or not. If their response is not good, tell them how to make it better and keep doing that exercise/question until they master it. I want all of our recruits to have the best chance at passing.)

  1. Register test: Pretend you’re a customer at the store and you’re wanting to purchase an item. See if they do their greeting correctly and see how they handle checking out a customer. (If they never used the register, show them how to)

Question: What do you do if a customer needs help? (Ask this before the first test)

  1. Troll test (not the usual cap spam troll, the grammatical and formal kind): For this test you will act like a troll and see how they will deal with it. This test is crucial so make sure they do good. If they don’t do good, tell them what they did wrong and redo this test. If they do badly the second time, they will fail this test. Also, ask them about warnings and kicks. See if they know how many warnings before a kick and how many kicks before a ban. If they don’t know this, tell them how many warnings for a kick and how many kicks for a ban.

Question: Do you understand that if you are inactive for longer than a week you will be demoted?

  1. Exploit Test: Use your admin and use some basic commands (such as walk speed or fly) and act like an exploiter. See what your trainee’s reaction is and how they will handle it. If they can handle this situation well, they can pass this test.

Question: How many warnings do you need to give before a kick?

  1. Customer Help Test: For this test, pretend to be a customer. As a customer, ask your trainee SHR questions customers usually ask.
Here are some example questions you may use:
  1. How do I get a job here?
  2. Where is the application center?
  3. When are trainings?
  4. I bought a rank, could I be ranked?
  5. I did the application, but I didn’t get ranked. Could you please help?
  6. How do I get money?
  7. What is the dizzy code?
  8. How do I join security?
  9. How can I become an SHR or HR?
  10. How can I suggest things for the developers to add?

Question: How many kicks do you need to give before a ban?

  1. Unprofessional Staff Test: Pretend to be an LR and not follow the rules, have bad grammar and aren’t complying with any staff member in-game. This will be similar to the USUAL troll test, but instead of being an actual troll, you’ll be a staff member that’s being unprofessional.

Question: What would you do if a staff member is abusing admin?

  1. Raid/AA Test: After the trainees have finished with the previous 6 tests, gather all of the trainers in one room and plan a raid on the trainees. You may use small commands and make it seem like exploiters are also taking part in this raid. Make sure they handle this test with professionalism and keep track of what they do throughout this test. Also, don’t have too much fun doing this test. Try to be a little bit professional while conducting this!

Final Question: What would you do if an SHR is not following the rules? (Do this before the 6th exercise!!

Sessions & other procedures:

  • Ask your trainee if they know how to host sessions. If they don’t, please go to this guide and explain how it works Click this for session guide

If they pass the training: Congratulations! You have passed the tests and you’ll be ranked to an SHR rank shortly. Thank you for being a candidate and we hope your contribution to our group will help us significantly. Also remember, you will have 1 week to prove that you do deserve this rank. Eg hosting shifts etc. Then bring them to the ranking line.

After ranking: :kick [player] Dismissed. We hope you’ll be a good contribution to our team!

If they fail: Unfortunately, your performance here today is not up to our standards. We hope you understand. You may retry for an SHR rank once the applications are out again. Thank you for having an interest in this position. Have a nice day. IF THEY DID DECENT/IF YOU THINK THEY’D BE A GOOD HR, GIVE THEM AN HR RANK

:kick [player] Dismissed. Better luck next time! or :kick [player] Dismissed. Better luck next time, congratulations on an HR rank though!!

After everyone has been ranked, please do :shutdown to shut the server down. Then announce on the discord congratulating our new SHR’s and the ones that got HR positions!

~ Drintional

If you have any questions with this guide, reach out to me on discord!