Walk Animation Bug(?) that I've Encountered

I’ve tried to create a sword walk animation but however, when I change the Animate script’s walk animation to my custom one it seems to bug out:

This is how it’s supposed to look:

At first I thought something was wrong with the rig or the animation, but after intensive testing I found out that the animation works completely fine if I used LoadAnimation instead of changing the WalkAnimationId:

However, this method is extremely buggy and inconvenient. If anyone could help me fix this problem I’d be extremely grateful. Thanks.

I’ve been stuck on this for quite a while. Is there anyone who can help?

you should probably animate this with another script set the animation priority higher overwriting the current animation

also long as the rig isn’t change in any way it should work whats buggy and inconvenient about your last video?

Nevermind, I finally found the solution. Turns out the default Roblox animate script was changing my walk animation’s priority to core everytime it ran so that’s why it was bugging out. Thanks anyways for the reply!

no problem I figured it was something with Priority