Why does my walk anim bug out? It has been working fine and all of a sudden I log on today and its like this: Do you guys know the fix to this? I have tried everything from priority to re uploading to a new asset
Do you have any other animations playing by any chance?
A new roblox update was rolled out that merges animations with the same weight values, you can disable this in workspace with the AnimationWeightedBlendFix but once phase 3 rolls out this option will be hidden and forced to be enabled.
So yeah, your animations broke because roblox added something no one asked for, fixes absolutely nothing and is damaging lots of developers.
Roblox services are malfunctioning, it’s not just you. For me assets don’t load, for most people animations are different, like in your gif.
If animation I’ve seen is made by Roblox, there’s high chance of Your character walking to slow.
Same literal thing may be seen when using Werewolf walk animation, and walking with speed of 3, 4 or ~4.5 - 5 studs per second.
It just doesn’t loop perfectly.
No it’s my own anim, I had it made for my game
What would be the fix tho that is compatible with the new updates that are getting rolled out
You need to use the :AdjustWeight() function of the animationtrack you want to change. It has to be a value from 0.01 to 1.
Edit: You can also change the animation priorities in the animation editor but this solution is very unreliable.
This is a bug on Roblox’s side, you can keep up with the report here:
You can temporarily fix this by disabling the workspace’s AnimationWeightedBlendFix.
Then It’s most likely not looped perfectly
Could You provide me Animation Editor footage for this anim? Also - please show last few keyframes
The problem has been solved, or revealed. AnimationWeightedBlendFix is the culprit