Walk animation stops when another action animation plays custom rig

Hello there

I have a animal game that has the tiger, it has some animations and a roar, the problem is that whenever i click 1 to activate the roar animation while walking, the walk animation will completly stop to play that roar animation which only moves the neck and head parts, not the body

and yes, the walk animation is on Movement level and the roar is on Action level

I’ve seen that in simpler rigs such as roblox dummy, the animation mixing works. I suspect its something about the rig itself.

Walk animation
Walk animation when i roar


Could you show me a screenshot of the roar animation’s keyframes un the animation editor?


Every animation in the game is made in blender, but for some odd reason the keyframes just don’t appear, and it didn’t change anything on the animation, so i didn’t worry about it.


name the root part “HumanoidRootPart”, keyframes only pop up if the root is named specifically that!


The animation works, and i always name the root part HumanoidRootPart, this bug only happens with blender animations


alright, going back to the main problem the most probable answer is that your animation has keyframes on the whole rig even if it doesn’t move the body, i’m not exactly sure how blender animations work but im pretty sure you just have a keyframe in every body part, which locks the whole body in the roar animation


I remember 1 animation of the tiger had keyframes on the whole body, but that would be the attack, but both the keyframe bug and animation bug happens on all the animations, and i double checked that i didn’t lock the whole body, but just those who move

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i also have some other characters, that are more recent and new, and both bugs are still there, again i checked if i didnt lock the whole body in the animation process

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are you using roblox’s default animation handler or did you make your own?


Im using Blender, i animate my rigs there, when its done i later import the animation into roblox and publish it

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Nono, i mean the script inside the character


I’m not sure what you mean by Animation Handler, could you provide a documentation about it?

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the Animate script inside the character that manages all of the idle,walk,jump,fall etc animations


Thanks for explaining, and yes i made my own

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tho, the attack animations, movement and roar animations have different animation handler

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