Walk to Point not Working


So I am in the early stages of making a tower defense game! I was trying to make it so that the npc moves to the points along the pathway. However, I encountered a problem. In the tutorial that I am watching they move just fine, but in my studio they are not. The npc only move about half way before switching to the next point. My goal was to get them all they way before they change directions. Can anyone offer me any help as to what may be causing this?


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MoveToFinished has a time limit. Put some waypoints in between.
Edit: I mistakenly put incorrect info in my post, thanks to @DasKairo for pointing that out.

MoveToFinished has a Max Wait Limit of around 8 Seconds, if the Target isnt reached then it will skip it and attempt to Move to the next according to the code written, as @TheSai_ki stated, add more waypoints


All you have to do is put more waypoints in between the waypoints you already have so roblox doesn’t cancel the MoveToFinished to stop indefinite yielding. Hope this helps :smiley:

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Ohhhhh it works now. Thank you so much!

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This isnt true, MoveTo only forces the NPC to walk to a certain Position

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