The code below is a hacky pathfinding system I created for furniture. It uses WalkToPoint and magnitude to determine a players position relative to specific nodes, which are what most of the variables are. (R1, R2, L1, etc)
WalkToPoint works perfectly for the complicated paths, say if you were behind the chair, you would walk to R2 (Right side of the chair), then to R1 (Right diagonal of front/side) then to the target (Front of the chair).
However, it doesn’t work for every path. In fact, the only path it doesn’t want to complete is the simplest one. Just from where the player is to the target, no other points between them.
It does work a little bit, meaning the very first time you activate said simplest path, it works. Any times after that, and it doesn’t want to follow. It still works for the other paths though.
Everything was going smoothly, until I hit this problem, which uses the exact same commands as the other paths. I have no clue what the problem could be.
-KeysOfFate, a non-forum member.
Chair = script.Parent
Model = Chair.Parent
L1 = Model.L1
L2 = Model.L2R1 = Model.R1
R2 = Model.R2Rear = Model.Rear
Target = Model.TargetX1 = nil
X2 = nilfunction IsNotInBack()
if (Torso.Position - X2.Position).magnitude < (Torso.Position - X1.Position).magnitude thenTorso.Parent.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = X1.Position print("Going to X1!") repeat wait(0.05) until (Torso.Position - X1.Position).magnitude <= 4 Torso.Parent.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Target.Position repeat wait(0.05) until (Torso.Position - Target.Position).magnitude <= 4 print("Pathfinding successful!") else print("Attempting to go to target point") Torso.Parent.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Target.Position repeat wait(0.05) until (Torso.Position - Target.Position).magnitude <= 4 print("Pathfinding successful!") end
function IsInBack()
if (Torso.Position - X2.Position).magnitude > (Torso.Position - Rear.Position).magnitude then
print(“Player is in the rear!”)
Torso.Parent.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = X2.Positionprint("Going to X2!") repeat wait(0.05) until (Torso.Position - X2.Position).magnitude <= 4 Torso.Parent.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = X1.Position print("Going to X1!") repeat wait(0.05) until (Torso.Position - X1.Position).magnitude <= 4 Torso.Parent.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Target.Position print("Going to Target!") repeat wait(0.05) until (Torso.Position - Torso.Position).magnitude <= 4 print("Pathfinding successful!") else print("Player is not in the rear!") IsNotInBack() end
Torso = Player.Character.Torsoprint("Beginning pathfinding sequence!") if (Torso.Position - R2.Position).magnitude < (Torso.Position - L2.Position).magnitude then print("Player is on the right side!") X1 = R1 X2 = R2 IsInBack() else print("Player is on the left side!") X1 = L1 X2 = L2 IsInBack() end -- IF STATEMENT #1 FINISH