Wall climbing, How should i?

How would i go about this? I was think ik and body position and gyros. Any other suggestions?

You can use egomoose’s module, which offers a lot of character controlling methods, be sure to read its documenation

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I was reading about this but i wanna be able to add animation and have it be fluent when climb up and over? Im just looking for detail suggestion, thank you through!

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So I found a solution! So we create a Fake HumanoidRootPart and code or hand place this Fake HRP above where we wanna climb, then use a little welding code to edit the original HRP C0 and C1 to the fake HRP and swap out their part0(RootWeld), then play the animation and then when the animation is almost finished have the Orginal HRP.CFrame = FakeHRP.CFrame and then set back to normal. Works out great, I have a gif of an example. I’ve tested works pretty well.

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