Wall collusion exploit

How can I prevent wall collusion exploit? I noticed that the client can simply change the CanCollide to any part in the map then walk through it (it will not change the collusion in the server just on the client-side but the player still can walk through any part that is “CanCollide = false” even if it is just on the client-side), how can I detect\prevent that?


Have parts on the other side which when touched can be used to detect the exploiting player (simple method).

local outOfBoundsPart = script.Parent

	--perform necessary actions here

i dont think your method will work on the server. it could work on the client but we cant place local scripts in descendants of workspace. If we place it in replicated first it should check the thing but im still not sure about it

It wouldn’t be a local script, what gave you that idea?

It worked but they can still move the position of the parts (from the client) and walkthrough the part,
the part stay in the same position in the server but when the exploiter change the part position from the client the server does not detect the touching player