continuously, every millisecond in my output logs. I have no idea where this is coming from, and I haven’t found a solution for this. Anyone else have any ideas on why this is happening?
The error speaks for itself; something, somewhere in your game is looping trying to convert a nil value to a number.
Check through all your scripts that have any sort of loop in them and see if any values are attempting to be cast to numbers. Without any proper stack trace from the error, it’s not always easy to find the cause.
I tried to look through the game once more during playtest, even going as far as to disable every script in the game, but it didn’t seem to stop either. I also checked all of the scripts with tonumber() in them, and most didn’t seem to be called through a loop. (mostly called upon to work in the first place)
okay… I realized this is not actually happening ingame of the same place through actually playing it instead of playtesting in Studio, so this is most likely a Studio bug, or some plugins are acting up even though I disabled them all while testing the game. Thanks for the help though.