I have a wall run system and when you start the wall run I want to rotate the camera smoothly based on the direction your going in and when your done it goes back to normal smoothly too, I have the code done but not working as expected.
I tried lerping but it still behaves as if im not lerping and just setting the camera’s new cframe, also NOTE: most of this code was to clamp the cameras rotation, but I probably dont need that anymore.
also this ^^^ is the camera’s cframe angle code, lookDir is either 1 or -1 depending on the direction the player is looking and cameraRotation is some number picked by me
-- // Camera Rotation
local currentRot = camera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(lookDir * cameraRotation))
local rx, ry, rz = currentRot:ToOrientation()
local rotClamp = math.clamp(math.deg(rz), -cameraRotation, cameraRotation)
local newCFrame = CFrame.new(camera.CFrame.Position) * CFrame.fromOrientation(rx, ry, math.rad(rotClamp))
camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame:Lerp(newCFrame, 0.1)
as you see it just snaps the rotation instead of smoothing it
I’m not sure how well :Lerp() works for CFrames since I have only used them for color animations in certain situations. But what I would do is use TweenService to create a smooth animation from your starting CFrame to your ending CFrame. TweenService can make almost any property for almost any instance change smoothly. That’s why TweenService is my fav. Anways, done with the tangeants, try using TweenService:Create() instead of :Lerp()!
Try creating the tween first then playing it later.
If that doesn’t work you could try doing this:
while rotating == true do
camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame:Lerp(newCFrame, 0.01)
if camera.CFrame == camera.CFrame:Lerp(newCFrame, 0.1) then
rotating = false
Yeah, I can’t figure out how CFrame:Lerp() works. But well, good luck on solving your problem! And if you can’t figure it out after a long time, take a break. After the break, you may just solve the problem in a few short minutes! (it really works!)
If this is within a RunService update loop, just lerp by a factor of deltaTime.
You can find more info about it here, but in short, it’s the amount of elapsed time since the previous frame of whatever update you’re using.
It also is the first argument passed for every RunService update loop, other than Stepped where it is the second argument passed.
Here’s an example of how I’d use it in your case
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
-- The higher this value is, the faster the camera rotation should tween.
local SpeedMultiplier = 10
-- Use whatever update loop you're currently using (probably render stepped?)
RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(deltaTime: number)
local currentRot = camera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(lookDir * cameraRotation))
local rx, ry, rz = currentRot:ToOrientation()
local rotClamp = math.clamp(math.deg(rz), -cameraRotation, cameraRotation)
local newCFrame = CFrame.new(camera.CFrame.Position) * CFrame.fromOrientation(rx, ry, math.rad(rotClamp))
camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame:Lerp(newCFrame, SpeedMultiplier * deltaTime)
Have you tried lowering the SpeedMultiplier variable I gave you?
If that still doesn’t work, can you try sending the entire update loop for the camera instead of just a small snippet?