Wall slide system

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    A starting point for a wall sliding system.

Currently, my system sucks. It uses extremely weird means to perform a wall slide, and I don’t think this is the way to go about it.

I am not asking for someone to spell it out in code, I am simply looking for suggestions on where to look to start something like this properly. I have not seen wall sliding in any games I have ever played, it has only been ledge grabbing. This topic is so niche in my searching that I have literally no other choice than to ask about it here. Wall jumping is talked about but not sliding.

if by wall-sliding u mean something similar to how titanfall does their wall-movement tech:

u can use Vector3 cross products to solve for character alignments and BodyVelocity/BodyGyro to override roblox physics to keep the character moving across the wall surface & properly rotated in the wall run direction

I haven’t made any parkour systems, but I think I may know a few things to start out.

Performing a wall slide would mean the player would have to be in the air. You can add an if statement to check for this.

You would also have to make sure there is a wall in front of your character so casting a short-distance ray from of the front of your character would do.

You would also have to use some physics constraints to slow your velocity downwards.

I know a game called Project Smash which has a wall slide system.

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I’d recommend LinearVelocity, instead, the former are deprecated. :slight_smile:

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deprecated does not mean unusable and the new bodymovers come with a slew of replication problems that have been documented and reported tons of times on this forum

u should really not venture into threads and talk about things that u know absolutely nothing about

I’ve mentioned this to several people on these forums, and I know personally that the API specifically states on to use them. I’ve been using LinearVelocity and the other new movers for 4+ years plus of my developer journey, and have had no problems with them.

“just because i am the only one who has never ran into issues with x means that the issues that other people besides myself have ran into regarding x do not exist”

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I can understand that. (I can’t play the video)

Hey! Thanks for the reply. Could you elaborate more on this? How would I go about overriding the default physics? One of my main issues has always been gravity and not being able to change it.

Apologies for the late reply.

GOT IT! Thanks boys

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oops i had the nap of all time

u said that u got it already, but just in case anyone else comes across overriding the roblox gravity without interfering with other BodyMovers, I’ve found BodyPosition to be the most reliable because it doesn’t really have much uses outside of controlling the axes of a character:

use a BodyPosition, that when instantiated/parented to the RootPart:
has its MaxForce set to Vector3(0, math.huge, 0) – this allows for lateral movement by ur wall-slide BodyVelocity
has its Position set to Vector3.yAxis * RootPart.Position, which can also be dynamically changed with respect to the wall-slide state, for example the Position can be set to .Position *= dt * GravityConstant * Vector3.yAxis to have the gravity-cancellation taper off

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