Wall stick/Gravity Controller

Did you find a fix to the camera issue?

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It was a bug pushed from a roblox update that got reverted. It automatically got fixed for me although the camera issue kinda persists if you play for a very very long time.

kinda too late but is there a way to enable/re-enable this for certain clients.

Sorry if this is an extremely late question, yet is there a way i can disable and enable the Wall Sticking? I wanted to do that so i can allow the detection of Humanoid state types.


I stumbled upon this problem, is there any way to fix the stutter?

I’m trying to make it just fallover, without ever rotating character, character should be able to jump/move normally just like jumping/moving from a high place and falling to ground.

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hi, is there a way to toggle the gravity controller

I have created an updated version of this script that allows for the collission of terrain.
Upgraded EgoMoose’s WallStickGravity Controller : Terrain Physics, Normal Animate - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

This version allows you to walk on parts with wall stick controller but not terrain. The original would make you fall through the terrain.


I have created a version of this linked above that replicates the humanoid states.


The main issue with the wallstick controller is it didn’t work on terrain but from what I learned , I can place a block where the terrain is and effectively make it work anyway.

So far soo good!


For Some reason it already worked on angled terrain? I guess I need to do more testing

Hmm might have to make a posted about this if the wallstick controller has been fixed.

YEP! this bad boy is ready to go!

I had to hack the out of it. Luckily I was able to apply all the changes without breaking it. I actually had two versions I was testing.

I have changed wallstick controller to work with terrain like it should and it is toggleable. PM me for a copy.

To try it out for yourself check out this place!
Terrain Gravity Controller - Roblox


Hey there!

I’m trying to make a system that toggles the gravity thing. The only problem im having is that the shiftlock is broken when the gravity is disabled, and the movement is all weird.

Can you plz make a function in the module to toggle the gravity (and camera thing too)

Super Mario Galaxy in Roblox??? Hell yeah


An amazing module and system when I tested it, I was curious if you could give insight on how you would make it work for custom characters (non-r15/r6) ?

It should already work, the main hurtle would be changing the R15animate module to your custom rigs animations. There is R6 support by default. I have an unreleased version, that is the one shown in the pictures above. I have spent hours working on it to make it toggleable and work fully with terrain. but since no one has ever done it before I am keeping it private.

Mhm, I’ve tried that, just changing out the animate modules and stuff, didnt work. My specific rig isnt R6 or R15.

is there any way to make it work with streaming enabled? Not the one that allows you to walk up corners but the older one.

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is there a way you know of to make any NPC’s walk with the gravity controller and have the controlled gravity applied to them

there’s some disabled code in the local script that has the keycode “K”…i changed mine to Z to enable/disable

Is there any way of applying this on vehicles?

There a way to get body velocity or linear velocity to work with the wall stick script

it would take quite a deal of reverse engineering