Wally does not install packages in the right place (Rojo)

Hello, I’m new to Wally and I tried installing packages using it, but it installs them outside of the DataModel:

I don’t know how to change the path of installed packages, could someone help me pls?

Also I put this in Scripting Support because I think it’s the most appropriate section for this, as packages are scripts.

Looked a bit and I don’t think you can change the output path of the packages, nor would I personally recommend changing it even if you could.

Add Packages under ReplicatedStorage in default.project.json to sync it to DataModel:

    "ReplicatedStorage": {
      "Shared": {
        "$path": "src/ReplicatedStorage"
      "Packages": {
        "$path": "Packages"
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Thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking for!

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