Walys Simon Says modern edition: Simon’s guidebook

As we slowly use my own iPad to copy our beta RetroStudio edition of this game. We would like to notice those who would like to become Simon in our upcoming game and the current RetroStudio one

  1. Simon must not admin abuse
    If you admin abuse by saying ;m Simon Says Die and then ;kill others is not acceptable
    Moderators of our game are active sometimes and if you are caught doing this you will be banned
  2. Only users ranked “Mod” or higher with HD Admin may be Simon
    If you are an admin giving a VIP or NonAdmin Simon perms you will be demoted to Mod or VIP or completely removed from our HD Admin plan
    Our HeadAdmin and Me. The owner will not stand by it
  3. Just because someone hacks and makes you a player and them Simon do not ban them. Another mod or admin will sort it out by seeing if they have hacked admin permissions. If they do. We will fully remove their admin and will disable mobile support until they get ByFron
  4. Do not use bypassed strong language in your Simon Says words
    This will result in an immediate demotion to VIP in our HD Admin plan
  5. Spamming the chat/group wall or repeating your Simon Says words is unacceptable
    This is considered mass spamming by HRs in our admin plan and will not stand for it
  6. Have fun! And remember to abide by Roblox ToS and not get me moderated by violating it a lot in the game as Simon

If you have questions please put them on our future group wall