Wand Component Information

Component stats are additive, so they’re all combined for a total sum.

  1. Power = Damage multiplier. So ‘0.3’ would be +30% more wand damage/power

  2. Cooldown = How fast you can cast spells. The lower the number is better in this case, i.e. ‘-0.3’ would mean 30% less cooldown time (aka 30% faster). ‘1’ would be 100% more cooldown time (essentially 2x slower).

  3. Defense = How much guarding power you have. Basically the more defense, the longer you can guard, and strong spells are less likely to break your guard.

  4. Penetration = Penetration multiplier. It’s multiplied by a spells base penetration power. If this penetration power is greater than an opponents block value (or a shield value), then the spell is reflected. Either way, if the target is blocking, then resulting number is subtracted from a targets block.

[To be updated with more information later]

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