Want some feedback on my youtube thumbnail skills

Hi, I make YouTube thumbnails in the style of Isotoxic and Konekokitten. I just wanted some feedback on my work and some constructive criticism that could help me make them better and find more customers.

If you want my portfolio it is here


Nice job! They look super eye catching and appealing, so I’m sure users would definitely click on the videos. I like how you outline the items and text in white, so that the most important things/things you will be covering in the video are highlighted.

One thing: On the last thumbnail, the background kind of overlaps the text, so either make the background on that a little bit lighter or make the text color brighter.

Overall, great job!


Can I hire you im a good sized youtuber! Discord: DeMaster#1234

the blur is excessive and it is quite basic

The blur is not really my thing but they sill look great!

Ok add me on discord: The Noobie#9390