Want To Export Object Animations You Made in Moon Animator 2? Now you can!

Hello fellow developers! I’ve had this idea for a few months now and finally decided to make it. This plugin allows you use to use Moon Animator as an animation exporter for objects rather than just rigs!

*This requires you to own a version of Moon Animator 2 to be able to work. (Not tested with the newest version)

So far, Parts and the Camera can be successfully exported into scripts.

How to Use it?

Get the plugin here: Moon Animator Object Exporter - Roblox

The plugin is mostly user-friendly. This does depend on your Moon Animator Save File that can be found in ServerStorage.

First, you want to open the plugin. This can be done by using either clicking the Toolbar icon or the “Object Exporter” (Shortcut) button in Moon Animator:
image image

Next, you want to import your Moon Animator Save File that you want to export an object from. This can be done by either clicking the “Import All Anims button” (Which will import all your Animations in the Save folder) or clicking the “Add Moon File”, which would import a specific Anim file that you choose.

Now you have your Animations Imported!

After that, click the animation file that the object is in and select which settings you want it to export!

Finally, Click “Generate Script” and Congrats, you exported your Object!

What is Inside the Script that was Exported?

The script contains multiple Tweens that are activated after each other. All of the tweens will be played via a function. This makes it so if you want to change when the object’s animation is played, all you need to do is call the function!

Out of curiosity, How useful do you find this plugin?

  • Useful
  • It’s Alright
  • There is a better alternative (If possible please share in replies)
  • Doesn’t Help

0 voters

Please share any errors if you find one.
So far there is an error that says MouseEnter is acting on a nil index for the shortcut button even though the button still seems to work.


Could there be an option to make the scripts that are generated module scripts instead of server scripts? It would make it more convenient for most uses.


Hey! Thanks for making this. I just have two suggestions.

  1. Consider adding support for particles. As the script will error when using Emit()
  2. Also consider adding the ability to add all animations through one script. This may already be a feature, but from what I saw there is no way to export all parts of an animation at once.

Thanks for making this, it’s really cool!


cloud_14367322993.PartExporterMA.Part Exporter Plugin:707: attempt to index nil with ‘FindFirstChild’

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Add particle support please !!


Why should I use this over animation controllers? Not trying to be rude, just wondering. You can pretty much animate any object with animation controllers.

This is a nice plugin, will be using this for making effects in my game.

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Does it animate particles and properties not only CFrame data?

I’m pretty sure you can do that with anything animatable, using moon 2 files. In fact, you can use things that aren’t animatabl with moon 2 files, if I’m right.

Hey I get this Error for some reason.

 Values is not a valid member of Folder "ServerStorage.MoonAnimator2Saves.CutsceneCC3.2.MarkerTrack.281"

bumping this, having the same issue and i really hope it can get fixed in the future

Hi! Sorry for an off-topic reply but can you link or perhaps make a tutorial on the devforum or elsewhere about how to use animation controllers in order to animate non-humanoid objects/parts? it would be really appreciated as i can’t really find a good tutorial on these and on top of that, at the time of writing this, this plugin is broken.

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I don’t know any real good tutorials, but they are commonly used in jojo games. I first saw it in a jojo game tutorial, so you’d just wanna look for those.

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Gotcha, thanks, I’ll try to look in one of those

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Hey there How do you run the scripts?

Once the animation is exported, there is a function in the script that you can call to play the anim.

is there a way too loop the script without anything external like a button or a trigger?

Ok so I noticed that myself and gave fixing it a try since this plugin doesn’t look like its gonna get updated any time soon.

part exporter fix.rbxmx (393.5 KB)

To install this, go to AppData\Local\Roblox\Plugins and put that file in there. After that, the icon should appear in the plugins tab. (or just look up how to install local roblox plugins)

let me know if any issues arise.


Hello! this is pretty surprising, I didn’t actually expect someone to try and fix this but I applaud your efforts, I tested it and it works but it has a lot of functionalities missing.
For starters, if the parts that you are trying to animate are a model, it will not play any tween as it tries to use the model and not the models primary part for the base part that tweens, secondly, I peeked inside of your script and I saw that this does not support custom easing styles and only liner, as I was using multiple easing styles while animating, which weren’t replicated into the game, and also only using EasingDIrection.In, even if the original animation was EasingDirection.Out or EasingStyle.Back or EasingStyle.Quad or any other one, on top of that it did not replicate the fact that the animation was looped, as there is no parameter for that inside of the TweenService:Create . But at the core of it, this works and is very easy to add the things that I mentioned above, I will be using this if I need to animate BaseParts. Thank you for giving your shot at fixing this very old plugin, I’d say your fix is although a bit lacking in features, it does the job and is very easy to fill in the extra features that I’m talking about, for anyone that has a tiny bit of scripting knowledge. Very awesome! :happy2:


I use MoonLite make by MaximumADHD.
More simple, he can read the moon save without need to use something else to export it

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