does anybody have any suggestion as to how i can make this look more interesting? its a poor attempt at a warehouse.
yes i know the lighting is messed up but it looks different and a lot better when playing it.
does anybody have any suggestion as to how i can make this look more interesting? its a poor attempt at a warehouse.
Mabey adds some wires, pipes, etc on the walls. Also, mabey add a garage door on one of the walls.
thanks ill try that, it should make it look better.
Yeah and shelves and some stuff laying on the ground to add texture and detail.
im adding all that stuff now. do you think the garage door should be open or closed?
1/3 Closed would look cool. So the player can look into maybe another storage room or whatever. Add a forklift to the side of the room and maybe some boxes/pallets.
on one of your replies you said to add “stuff” laying on the ground, what kind of stuff? i cant think of anything that would be on the ground in a warehouse
I can see you have shelves that are laying down. Therefore you could add stuff that has fallen off on the ground.
ohhh i see now. im going to send a screenshot once im done doing your suggestions
Just add more of what you already have! It definitely needs more storage space, put boxes on the metal shelves and add more of them, along with the assets already used.
yeah, its just kinda hard to find the boxes that look the same as the others.
I like your new photos, maybe add some old pictures or advertisements on the wall to give them more depth?
what do you mean “old photos” do you mean those billboards on the crossroads map?
ohhhh, i see now. sorry for not responding in over an hour i was doing something
So, the first thing you can do is add a lot more of shelves, boxes, etc. Adding a power box as mentioned earlier would be a nice idea. If you want to add a forklift, make sure it is tiny, but big enough for a player to use it.
A lot of good builds have some sort of image within them. Adding a few posters, as @EpicTradings mentioned, would be excellent.
Beyond this, I don’t really think anything else is needed, or it might become too crowded.
Warehouses aren’t supposed to look fun. They’re just there to store items. All you can do is, as someone else said add pipes, wires… maybe something dripping from the pipes to make it more fun to explore. Maybe some easter eggs for players to see. Maybe some trash laying on the ground.
What is your vision/goal with your ware house?
It looks like this is your vision for your warehouse in your recent screenshot, which looks really superb. If anything, look up pictures on interiors to give you an idea of what you’re trying to build.
your ceiling is flat and bland, might wanna do something with it, maybe add some truss’
It’s the walls. Try hanging up a few colorful posters, like a little formerly red one thats now a pink one or something notifying workers about a pizza night a few years back. The former make it feel corporate and hints at a wider world. The latter makes spaces feel used and old.