Warning command doesn't show full reason

hi so I had a warning command made for me a while ago but the guy never made it so that it captures the full reason
for example if you wrote ‘:warn [player] trolling and admin abuse’ then the warning reason would only be ‘trolling’
can anyone modify it so that it works how it’s supposed to?
Here is my code:

local ChatFunctions = {
    ["warn"] = function(Words,Player)
            for _,Target in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
                if string.find(string.lower(Target.Name),string.lower(Words[2])) then
                    if Words[3] then
                    local WarnFolder = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("WarnedPlayers")
                    local PlayerWarning = Instance.new("StringValue", WarnFolder)
                    PlayerWarning.Value = Words[3]
                    Target:WaitForChild("Warnings").Value = Target:WaitForChild("Warnings").Value + 1
                    PlayerWarning.Name = Target.Name..tostring(Target:WaitForChild("Warnings").Value)

Instead of that you can do

words = {"test", "test2", "test3", "test4", "test5"}

print(table.concat(words, nil, 3))


More information: lua-users wiki: Table Library Tutorial

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I use concat for a lot of things and it never occured to me to check if it had delimiter parameters…

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PlayerWarning.Value = table.concat(words, nil, 3)
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It works but it removes the spaces uh…

nevermind i fixed it

You can add a separator to the concat function and you will have all your words separated by a space.

PlayerWarning.Value = table.concat(words, " ", 3)
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Yeah that’s what I did thank you anyway tho