Warning using --!strict when adding with Trove:Add()

Hello i’m trying to add an custom object called PlayerManager to another object called Server using trove, however its giving me a type error whenever I try to add it. PlayerManager has a Destroy function so this should not occur. Is anybody else having this issue?

function Server:_init()
	local PlayerManager = require(script.Components.PlayerManager) -- lazy loading
	self.PlayerManager = self._trove:Add(PlayerManager.new(self))

Image of warning:

It seems this issue occurs whenever trying to add any table with a metatable attached. However, it works fine with a regular table:

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--!strict enforces strong typing. PlayerManager.new() returns the type PlayerManager which is not accepted by _trove:Add() hence, the type error.

It ought to be accepted. I’ll see if there’s some sort of type issue on Trove’s end. I wonder if the newer type solver works better with it?

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Honestly I don’t think you should even have to deal with this
Just edit the source to make it accept any or straight up cast PlayerManager to any while passing it in trove

Yeah, that works. Kinda strange :thinking:

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Heres an example file I created if you need it:

Same concept but its a Car with an Engine Component
Updated: CarExample_TypeError.rbxl (61.2 KB)

Car Module:


local Trove = require(script.Parent.Trove)
local Engine = require(script.Engine)

type CarContainer = {
	_trove: Trove.Trove,
	Engine: any,
type CarMethods = {
	__index: CarMethods,
	new: () -> Car
type Car = typeof(setmetatable({} :: CarContainer,{} :: CarMethods))

local Car = {} :: CarMethods

Car.__index = Car

function Car.new()
	local self = {} :: CarContainer
	self._trove = Trove.new()
	self.Engine = self._trove:Add(Engine.new()) -- type error
	return setmetatable(self,Car)

return Car

Engine Module:


local Trove = require(script.Parent.Parent.Trove)

type EngineContainer = {
	_trove: Trove.Trove
type EngineMethods = {
	__index: EngineMethods,
	new: () -> Engine
type Engine = typeof(setmetatable({} :: EngineContainer,{} :: EngineMethods))

local Engine = {} :: EngineMethods

Engine.__index = Engine

function Engine.new()
	local self = {} :: EngineContainer
	self._trove = Trove.new()
	return setmetatable(self,Engine)

return Engine

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