I’ve gotten this error with several meshes that I’ve imported

I also think this is the reason why I keep having roblox studio do this to me, as you see below:
which leads to this error:
Are some of the meshes I’m importing corrupted or something? Because I can’t load the place. The places that don’t have these meshes load perfectly fine. How do I fix my problems here?
If you’re exporting on Blender, try to toggle the Selection Only
option when exporting. You can also try to Bulk Import your meshes if normally importing them to Roblox errors.
i do have it selected, and this thing doesn’t happen every time. It’s just some meshes. Other meshes work fine
Could you send some examples of the meshes?
These are all of the meshes. They’re from the anime, Fairy Tail
Only 5 meshes, and yet roblox studio can’t load my place in. Or if roblox studio does happen to load the place, it takes me several tries of getting the HttpError: Timedout, which even then idk if the place loads.
They’re made up of multiple smaller meshes, that I import separately to make one key.
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