When a warning is printed, it is printed in white. This happens in both the ingame console, and in Studio’s output widget. Errors and other info messages still print correctly (i.e. red, blue, and purple in Studio).
I think this started happening after the last client update.
Not sure if this is completely related but it seems that lines that would normally be blue in light mode are now red, no matter if it’s an error or a warning in the script editor.
Also happening on my game. It’s not only the color of the output, it is actually outputting as a “print” and not as a “warn”. I use LogService to catch warnings, and the warnings are no longer being catched, they are output messages now.
Edit: It seems the second screenshot does not display the output correctly, it supposed to be displayed on the “Server” section since i code the warning on a server script but this is on the “Client”
Edit again: the problem persists, this is next week after the above screenshots: now the output doesnt display the color correctly but the dev console does, but still displays on the client section