Warrior Cats: Untold Legends OST


Due to popular demand, this is the list of all the songs used in Warrior Cats: Untold Legends. I spent about 2 hours hunting down the original source of every one I used with the exception of the APM songs provided by Roblox. Most of them are copyrighted songs, but hopefully the few that experienced these songs in the game will enjoy listening to them :slight_smile:

I'll be updating the list when/if more songs are rediscovered.

Music List:

Area Name Song Name Music URL
BlizzardClan - Day Pokemon USUM - Mantine Surf Theme https://youtu.be/KLBpJXTCLeA
BlizzardClan - Night Pokemon BW - Undella Town (Spring, Autumn, & Winter) https://youtu.be/9MAqJ6JNenA
BlizzardClan - Blood Moon The Depths Of Hell The Depths Of Hell - Roblox
BlizzardClan - Blue Moon Peaceful Creatures (A) Peaceful Creatures (A) - Roblox
BlizzardClan - Silver Moon Silver Moon Silver Moon - Roblox
VileClan - Day Winter Frost Winter Frost - Roblox
VileClan - Night Sonic Unleashed - Jungle Joyride (Night) https://youtu.be/UF3XUXWCxBs
VileClan - Blood Moon Super Mario 3D World - Shifty Boo Mansion https://youtu.be/l6MfnbeilTY
VileClan - Blue Moon Touhou - Innocent Treasures https://youtu.be/gXHS_dtRB4Q
VileClan - Silver Moon Pokemon Symphonic Evolution - Vs Trainer Red https://youtu.be/NSlZeSOM6O8
Desert - Day Super Smash Bros Brawl - Gritzy Desert https://youtu.be/G-T4QoOiEc0
Desert - Night Cave Story - Moonsong https://youtu.be/MtkECyiRExE
Desert - Night (Original) Kirby Triple Deluxe - Moonstruck Blossom https://youtu.be/iGGVWGJ0ZiM
Desert - Blood Moon Terraria - Eerie https://youtu.be/R2Hs-v5XEFQ
Desert - Blue Moon Desert Peace Desert Peace - Roblox
Desert - Blue Moon (Original) Terraria - Hallow https://youtu.be/ZXiMH-Gmqd4
Desert - Silver Moon Jason Shaw - Intense Suspense https://youtu.be/0YN-zPEYF5Q
DuskClan N’to - Trauma (Worakls Remix) https://youtu.be/lPVBrRd9wCo
DuskClan - Entrance Cerberus Attack - October 12th Scary Music :) - Roblox
GalaxyClan Super Mario Galaxy - Buoy Base Galaxy (Remix) https://youtu.be/55BR7F4JcFQ
GalaxyClan - Entrance Snowy Fields Snowy Fields - Roblox
GalaxyClan - Entrance (Original) Pokemon DPP - Snowpoint City (Day) https://youtu.be/ITAWxajBmps
Gold’s Den Tomb Raiders https://youtu.be/24FYrfFYqe4
Silver’s Den (Cave of Origins) Pokemon DPP - Mt. Coronet Remix https://youtu.be/VGijVRLc7W4
Lobby Touhou - Shanghai Teahouse https://youtu.be/AGiFvWjlmQc
Lobby - Halloween FDF Flandre’s Theme - Who Cares https://youtu.be/F9Bs5uP8VU0
Lobby - 2016 Halloween Varien - Lilith https://youtu.be/rK-19lEHO60
Lobby - Noob Day Kubbi - Last Save Loaded https://youtu.be/XlpKOuI7YT0
Memory Lobby Misty Mountains Misty Mountains - Roblox
Memory Lobby - Anniversary Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore https://youtu.be/Qg1qZq5yjps
Main Menu Forest Chase Forest Chase - Roblox
Main Menu (original) The Polar Express - Opening Titles https://youtu.be/6EsA-uEBis4