WAS Loader! A Simple, ‘Modern’ And Full Customizable Load Screen
Hello! It’s me again, and today I’ve brought you a real loading screen
Most loading screens only wait a few seconds to “load”, but this loading screen actually loads assets
it can be customized the way you want, you can even enable the credits option
(This loading screen was inspired by BLS[Devforum Post Here])
Step 1 - Install
There Have 3 Steps: Install, Insert, Configure
Let’s start with the installation of the WAS Loader
First, Install RBXM File Or Get It From Marketplace

Step 2 - Insert
Insert WAS-Loader On Your Game And Put In StarterGui

If You Got The File Then
Drop Into Roblox Studio

after this, put on startergui
Step 3 - Configure
WAS Loader Is Fully Customizable!
At Settings, You Can Configure ALL Of The Loading screen.

and imma explain all of these
Just the background color
it shows the credits before loading
The Loading Bar That Appears after credits or when loading screen appears

0.5 value
Ok So This One Are Like That:
FastLoad OFF:
for i = 1,#assets do
local asset = assets[i]
loadedbar.TextLabel.Text = i.."/"..#assets.." - Dont Worry If the Loader Is Stuck! You Can Skip Anytime."

FastLoad ON:
for i = 1,#assets do
local asset = assets[i]
loadedbar.TextLabel.Text = i.."/"..#assets.." - Dont Worry If the Loader Is Stuck! You Can Skip Anytime."

Flash In And Flash Out
these are the Flash(white frame that fade in and out after the credits or when it loads) IN and OUT Time
default values:
IN: 0.2 (Low Number Recommended)
OUT: 1.5 (High Number Recommended)
the flash color.
this one should be Only the ID NUMBER, Not “rbxassetid://id”, ONLY ID NUMBERS
the tips that appears on loading screen after credits
inside the tips value have a folder with tips
read the “READ ME!” script to understand what it does
Happy New 2024 Guys!

discontinued cuz i dont have free time these days to update WAS loader
- keep in mind, i will make WAS Loader: Reborn when possible
May you show a video of your resource?
wait a minute.
imma record and send soon, cuz i’am currently animating a gun
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here you go.
this one is a bit old that dont contains tips.
Looks good, I got 2 questions tho
How do I edit the game? In your video the GUI isn’t visible on Studio, but in my case it’s covering the whole screen
Does the GUI purposely error when you disable credits?
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in startergui, disable the “ShowDevelopmentGui”
probably a bug, i’am fixing it soon as possible !!
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found the bug.
the bug was on skip button? if it was, i already found and i fixed it.
i’am releasing it the new version
(Nvm i think this is still the old version
Oh, It’s still erroring for me then… Is the mediafire link updated?
for sure.
you can click and see.
anyways the post was edited rn
It looks okay. If I was a new scripter, I would probably use it!
Also, I noticed that your computer took 48 SECONDS to start a playtest. I just want to know; are you okay mentally? Do you need somebody to talk to? This could be traumatizing for some people. 
One of my friends who is beginning to learn scripting takes around 2-6 minutes (no joke) to play test, and 20+ mintues to group test (I say 20+ because after 20 mins I left so idk)
my laptop are so low spec so it take some time to test the game.
For some reason it doesn’t bother me, I do games normally even with a laptop like this
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Hopefully it can be fixed! In the future, you’ll find yourself constantly ending playtests and starting them again quickly to fix bugs. If each test took 1-5 minutes to get to where I need to test, I would want to die.
Please inform him that he is loved, cared for, and has a lot to live for.
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It’s good now, I was indeed using the old version.
There’s still some minor things you might wanna look into
You might wanna make it so tips can’t repeat, as in, the same tip can’t play twice in a row
Skipping the load screen doesn’t destroy the GUI, therefore some elements stay on the screen

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i started coding when i was 9 in my dads pc.
It took more than 5 minutes just to test the game lol
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oh sorry for that!
imma fix. AGAIN.
note: that cube icon was added to test a thing and i forgot to remove 
One question: do your eyes hurt after coding?
Anyway, that’s a good developer-friendly, beginner-friendly loading screen you got there.
no, but i really code so bad that i cant even read my own code properly.
anyways @SharkRayMaster, you request is done.
and i fixed it that bug.
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