Was my game really that bad? or was it just rage dislikers?

I had a game that I finished development for yesterday I published the final update for the game before I would move it to its remastered but I really wanted to ask was V1 of my game really bad? because now it haves a 47% like ratio 29 / 32 but all of my friends said that the project was fun and cool during early development so can anyone give me feedback so when I release the next version I don’t repeat the same mistakes?

Game link: [RED BALDLOON!!] Baldi's basics hide and seek! - Roblox

It looks really good to be honest. I guess the target audience is just more into the hyper-polished style in games

Edit: By target audience I meant the type of players that would click on the game


The target audience was the baldi community which is what the game is fan-gaming off of but I guess the other baldi games got the right audience but my game got the wrong one


it was prob because of the fpe fanbase not wanting a baldi kind of game