Was the Clouds Instance removed?

I was just playing around with them like 2 days ago and now all of a sudden they are all gone? Like the beta feature option is gone too and one of my places with clouds in them had them all removed.

Why did this happen?

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Maybe they are testing it, It is a beta feature after all! :smile:

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No, it wasn’t removed outright - after all, it’s already been pushed to the PC and MacOS clients. It just needs to be a child of workspace.terrain instead of lighting.

No I mean I cant even insert the instance anymore. Its like it completely gone now and I already know to put it in terrain.

Clouds are still there for me:

However, I can’t find the beta feature anywhere.

try this in the command bar

Instance.new('Clouds').Parent = workspace.Terrain

Go to terrain, then add object, look for clouds in the add object list and clouds will be shown in the list.

Make sure to put it in terrain and not in like Workspace or Lighting.