Was this worth the time?

Recently, I’ve spent some time learning how to sculpt with terrain, and for the past 7 months (I think), I’ve barely done anything, until now, I started working on this “island” project for over two weeks now, as I’m getting ready to be on hire for commissions. Anyways,

the final product is..

Adding some nice graphics made it ten times better, and I’m still getting that casual 60FPS.

Overall, What do you guys think?


It looks amazing! Maybe there is too much rock


that was really nice tho!
Keep working
but from my perspective is your used terrains are not really diversified, there are just too much rock(?) on the land and lol ofc trees can’t grow that well on rock. (maybe some volcano spliting out)


Your patience is just breath-taking.

The time you put into making this island is big, but it also paid off! Keep the good work flowing!


Thanks for your feedback! Will totally do that in future projects!

I used a lot of rock because of I quite wanted a steep terrain, but you are right trees don’t tend to grow that much on rock. Overall, thanks for the feedback.

Thank you, I appreciate your reply! :heart:

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There is not enough diversity in the type of terrain you use, maybe add some snowcaps to the mountains and some grass on the lower elevations, but man this is nice lookin’.

You’ve got some potential, keep practicing and soon enough you’ll be an expert… landscaper? terraformer?

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Thank you!

You’re right, I didn’t put that much variety into the terrain, it will definitely become way better if I did.

I don’t mind being both lol.