@hdmiiiiiiiiiiiii - Creator Visit Developer’s Profile
@asticcj - Head Developer Visit Developer’s Profile
The “Gun Game”, is an unnamed project in development open to select players for testing.
Access to the game is currently invite only.
Updates can be found below:
Latest Update:
Infdev 22W20A
Minor Update
- New thumbnail.
- Public testing closed.
- Private testing closed.
Update Archive:
Infdev 21W44F
The Solar Update
- Added sun rays.
- Added sun blooms.
- Added game blooms that change as the solar cycle continues.
- Added sunset, sunrise, solar twilight, civil twilight, nautical twilight, astronomical twilight, noon, and midnight effects.
- Added realistic color correction.
Infdev 21W44E
The Beautiful Update
New Features:
- Brand new buildings.
- Revamped everything to look realistic for all end devices, scaled with performance.
- Brand new desert and town paths!
- Brank new sky and ambient!
- Brand new sun!
- More stars in space are visible!
- Day and night cycle!
- Street and building lanterns will light on fire during the night and burn our for the day.
- Cactuses will only sting you by random chance, where the percent is set by how you bump it.
Infdev 21W44D
The Cactus Sting Update
New Features:
- Making contact with a cactus may now inflict damage by its thorns.
- Revamped the clothes line clothing textures.
- Revamped all building textures.
Improvements and Optimizations:
- Fixed the floating paths.
Infdev 21W44C
The Flicker Update
Changed Features:
- New and improved street lanterns and house lanterns:
- Revamped sprinting, it now scopes your view while you run.
- Revamped crouch and crawl, and added leaning.
- Revamped the suns rays for high-end devices.
Improvements and Optimizations:
- Fixed the bed legs in Rocky Town.
- Drastically reduced lag.
- Drastically shed the games heavy load.
- Drastically reduced loading time.
- Drastically improved the quality of all objects.
- All objects no longer flicker.
- Restructured the games core from the ground up, allowing much faster future update progress.
Infdev 21W44B
The Integrity Update
- Drastically reduced lag for low-end devices.
- Drastically reduced loading time for all devices.
- Reduced flickering issues with the mountains:
- Textures no longer glitching out on paths & rocks:
- Improved the graphic quality of Rock Town’s houses.
- Improved integrity of existing detail: