I have run code to make all parts have materials, so I can adjust particles to their texture colors. And I have found accidently new material - AIR!
But after a minute, I have realized that I found 1 more material: Water!
It’s used for terrain to fill empty voxels, but now I know that it’s also BasePart material too!
Select part you want to be air/water, and execute the following code in the command bar: game.Selection:Get()[1].Material = Enum.Material.Air game.Selection:Get()[1].Material = Enum.Material.Water
It worth note, that it’s best to keep them anchored, or change physical properties, otherwise, glitchy behaviour with physics possible.
It’s due to the material property. It’s nothing new and it does nothing to the parts at all. This has been existing for a long time. It’s nothing new or something you discovered that’s worth sharing.