using roblox water terrain, it clips through bricks
ive tried using a brick with 0 transparency to make the water “invisible” or something but it hasnt worked
is there any way to stop water clipping through parts? (btw i cant delete the water as im making a submarine so its dynamically moving)
what ive tried:
placing a part with 0 transparency
placing a union with 0 transparency
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May 28, 2022, 10:45am
Can you provide a image or a video of the issue?
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no but i can describe it
say u have a box
and you put that box in water terrain
the water terrain clips through the parts
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Try putting a part with glass material at like 0.999 transparency. Water doesn’t render through glass, so this should be a hacky fix, but it won’t work for graphics quality <7 I believe.
(also why can’t you give a screenshot…???)
thx ill try that, ill try and fine a fix for higher graphics users