Water isn't visible under glass, how can I fix this?

Hey all, I am currently working on a building project and noticed in play testing that water is not visible underneath glass. Here is a video of the issue I am having:
robloxapp-20210325-1720110.wmv (1.3 MB)
Does anyone know how I can solve this??
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: My glass is as thin as I can make it, if anyone is wondering.


You can use transparant plastic instead?


The glass texture makes all translucent objects behind it disappear. You might need to use smoothplastic instead, or try making the water fully opaque.


If the material is glass, then certain materials like other glass and water can’t be seen under it. I personally think this bug needs to be fixed.


Did that, it worked. I didn’t realize the issue was with the glass lol. However, it lowers the quality of the build in general. It really does suck and I hope roblox fixes this bug

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I found this tutorial, hope it helps:

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You should try to make the top part invisible and then use metal or something shiny like marble and add the image below:

that should make the feel of ice and keep it like normal

You can’t solve it I guess. Glass has some problems so you can use other materials.

just use SmoothPlastic :>. Just telling although I know that I was last minutes