Realistic Glass

This is a simple but useful way to make glass of a very nice way
As you can see Glass Material have so much problems like:
You cannot see ParticleEmitter Trough The Glass
You can’t see water trough glass

And if we try another material this will be the less realistic possible

So, This is the way to make a better glass material, keeping the realistic material
we have to make a part into plastic, change Reflectance to 1
And the transparency will depend the REAL Reflectance that you want
This is an alternative for aesthetic buildings
This a pretty result, Color 242, 243, 243, Transparency 0.6, Reflectance 1


Do not exceed the 0.6 of Transparency, If you make this the material will lose the essence

And This how you keep the glass material without lost essence
Due the multiple benefits that this have, i decided to make a post of this
also since so much persons are news, and this can help them as alternative with the
material glass or aesthetic buildings (I never seen this at a aesthetic building).

I hope this help



For those of you who want the model instead of hopping into Studio and making it:
GoodGlass.rbxm (2.1 KB)


Yes, and a POSTSCRIPT, It depends Of the sky


Oh my god, this is a lifesaver. I had a store window and I wanted to display a torch, but the flames wouldn’t show through and this totally fixed it! Thank you so much

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This is actually a pretty clever workaround and the result looks relatively decent. Great resource.


Ooh I bought the Atmos pack so this will be fun!


Thank you for this! :grinning:

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You’re a real life saver for this glass is always a pain to make it realistic.


thank you soo much.
this helps me so much

You can also just set castshadow to false too!