Water physics animation in roblox

I managed to export a blender fluid animation to roblox and it came out great! This not much of a resource but more of a showcase of what can be done when combining blender with roblox:



So you simulated the physics in Blender, exported every frame as a mesh and imported them in Roblox, set their transparencies to form an animation. If the place you linked isn’t uncopylocked, please move your topic to #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback


it’s pretty cool, but VERY laggy.


Move this to #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback and this isn’t very great. You’re better off using editable meshes and coding your own physics than doing this because even exporting 10 seconds of animation at 30 fps would take 1800 meshes. All loaded in the players RAM causing the players device to simply commit arson on itself.


my bad i forgor

character minium

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it was not intended to be used in an actual game. just me seeing if it was possible to export blender fluid simulation to roblox

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I had many ways to make it not laggy, but they all resulted in the animation flickering in and out of existence. So I had to keep all the meshes loaded under the map and change their position one by one

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Oh ok, if this was a realtime water simulation that’d be awesome, but even so, it’s cool to see this in-game.