Water physics, I really want to make water physics like blender. I wondering if you would have any tips or suggestions on this idea. I’m not going to use meshes (at least not animation) or terrain. I was thinking squares that are in a grid. This would be used for a showcase (Maybe future game). What do you think.
development discussion probably isn’t the place for this category, #help-and-feedback is probably a better place for this topic but i’m not sure which sub-category it would fall under as it needs a bunch of different skills, not just one, like scripting
that’s why I put it in development discussion because I’m talking about the development of a water engine
It would probably be better to put this in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support , as this would probably be a better place to do it. That or #help-and-feedback:scripting-support , one of the two
This is from the rules page for #development-discussion
If you move the topic to one of the categories @FroDev1002 recommended ASAP you’ll be fine, otherwise the moderators will take your topic down
I think it did it
blender have built in fluid simulation you can use it to make water physics (not good for games tho if you want to use it in a roblox game you will have to use editable mesh and script your own water physics)
I’m not going to use pre made animations, I’m trying to make roblox physics water engine
also do I have to use a mesh? I’m not going to be doing oceans or lakes, the biggest might be a creek
burn a cpu or burn a gpu
you dont have a choice, you must burn the cpu
if you decide to make a water simulation system PURELY in luau, it will LAG, like LAG, because CPUs aren’t designed to run water simulations at very high speeds, GPUs can do that, but luau runs on the CPU.
I made a few fluid simulations and with a few shortcuts, they are quite performant. The only problem is they cant look great since roblox doesn’t support custom shaders, but they still quite cool.
I’ll make a new post if I make anything cool
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