Don’t know how to use the water tool well, want to make a little river under this bridge starting from here but I can’t seem to do it.
Use the plugin part to terrain, it’s very helpful.
Nevermind, just saw you had it, did you try to use it?
you can use part to terrain or sea level if you want, both should provide water under this bridge.
I don’t know how to use it, so yeah thats why really
I’ll tell you,
- Place a block and size it to wherever you want the terrain to be.
- Next, open up the plugin, click water and then click the block you placed.
- Now, the water should be there instead of the block.
If this doesn’t work, can you show a video of you attempting it?
It did work, thanks for that. But there’s grass on it (I can fix the water looking out of place, but the grass is bugging me
Thats a glitch on Roblox’s side.
I’d suggest changing that little piece of grass to leafy grass texture.
Hm, im confused on what you mean by changing the leaf to a leafy grasss texture? (Last question)
Paint tool → leafy grass texture → paint over the grass thats troubling you
I use a part-to-terrain script inside of blocks any occasion I use water
game.Workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(script.Parent.CFrame, script.Parent.Size, Enum.Material.Water)
Put this code inside a block (probably colour it blue) and adjust as needed. Allows for quicker adjustment than using terrain tools themselves.
To clarify this also, leafy grass doesn’t have the realistic grass like regular grass does. Using this on the edge of the water would stop the terrain having the grass that’s causing the issue.