Waterpark Tipping Bucket Problem

Hello everyone!
I’m Yuzuru_Dev and this will be first my primary topic.

Let us start with my problem. I’m having difficulty with how to make the tipping bucket (with the bell) work for a waterpark. I do not know about working with scripts at all. And I wanted to learn how to perform this work, so I would like anyone to teach me creating this script.

If you do not know water a tipping bucket is, it’s a large bucket on a slightly off-center axle with a pipe pouring water into the bucket. The bucket slowly fills, becomes more and more unstable, and then suddenly dumps all of its water at once on the crowd below. It then returns to its upright position and the process repeats.

I want to make this as my goal for now because I love to build waterparks and it makes me an exciting hobby for me. Thank you very much if you’re interested in helping me.

Photos of my work--


You can just animate it, like create a loop that changes the orientation.

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Or just weld them together and turn off anchoring.

It’s fantastic that you are wanting to learn to script, it’s an incredibly useful skill that extends far beyond Roblox.

However, this category is designed to provide support for when you get stuck on a specific problem with scripting, not to find a teacher. You should take a look at scripting tutorials on the Developer Hub, YouTube, and in the #resources category here on the forum.

For your specific goal, you could use constraints such as HingeConstraint with Servo ActuatorType to secure the bucket in place and every so often using a script, set the TargetAngle to be 90 degrees. After a few seconds, bring it back to 0.

It’s hard to fully gauge your currently skill level without any attempt or code provided, so my advice is to start with the basic tutorials of how to set properties of objects. That’s how you’ll change the angle. Next you’ll need to look into loops, and you’ll want a loop that runs every X seconds, where the X is defined by how long you want the bucket to “fill up” for.

Best of luck, and you’ll enjoy scripting once you’ve got the basics down.