Waterslide imported into Blender Vertices Issue

A few weeks ago I completed my waterslide converter. It uses wedges to construct segments of slides as shown in this video:

The dilemma here is that I cannot easily merge-by-distance (blender functionality) to remove excess vertices that are in the middle of drawn quadrilaterals. I want to achieve a nice smooth shaded slide without any seams.

Anyways, when four nodes make a quadrilateral (made up of two drawn triangles, 4 wedges in total), the vertices are not set up to easily merge by distance, as seen here:

This is a picture of what I want instead:

If reality was the second example I would have the ability to merge by distance easily therefore smoothing the entire slide. However, this is not the case so I’m stuck with this issue. I’ll show some example pictures of before and after trying to merge by distance to clear up vertices.

Before: (please excuse my sloppy mouse writing)


Everything merged but the vertices present in the middle of the quadrilaterals. Even a gap is present now:

So, is there any way to sort of remove vertices that are intersecting/adjacent to an object in Blender? I tried to convert the wedges I converted into unions but the vertices were even crazier like that.

I would like to know a way I can sort of merge an object to not have any overlapping vertices. For example, take this object. A vertex of the rotated cube is overlapping in the lower cube. How would you make all the vertices on the outside? Pictures can explain it better than I can, so here you go:

Instead of this,

How can I merge the two objects do not have overlapping faces like this:

I hoped I explained everything decently. I’m not great with vocabulary. Thanks in advance! Ask any questions if you need anything clarified.


Try going to face selection mode, click no the faces you want to merge, then right click and click dissolve faces.

I would do that if the slide was very small, however it would be extremely tedious to do this on all of the faces especially if there are a lot of water slides in my game.

The first few pic, in order to merge the blue verts ,(edit mode) highlight both of them and press alt+M and select :Merge at center.

And for the 2nd one with the cubes, first make sure the 2 cubes are separate objects. Select the top cube and add Boolean modifier to it. In the mod, set operation to difference (this is set by default), press the eye dropper and select the cube at the bottom and click apply. After this, it should have made the auto cut.