Waterslide Tower

This was made in collaboration with @AaronBuilderMC

We made a waterslide tower with functional waterslides for our waterpark and we would like some feedback and/or suggestions. :slight_smile:

If you’d like to try out the slides for yourself you can test them here:



One of the best looking waterslides ive seen on roblox.

Great job You two! :+1: :+1:

I dont see what you could improve 10/10


These are really cool, very solidly made, I like it. One thing I will comment on is the lack of water! Perhaps you could make a really cool water effect with beams, like how people use them for waterfalls.
Very good, though. I like it a lot.


Adding water throughout the entire slide is probably more effort than it’s worth. However, we did just add water spouts at the beginning of the slides.

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Perhaps. I feel like beams could make it a lot easier, since they can curve.

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I really love these slides, very well built. I did see a lack of water, maybe try adding water in the future.

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it isnt that hard with beams though

I love seeing builders putting in full effort to produce quality builds.

This is stunning, colourful and really well done. You clearly put a heap of time into this one. I really can’t think of anything to change or improve.

Excellent job guys.