WaterWorld Guides

WaterWorld Guides



As a member of our management team here at WaterWorld, you are expected to read through this training guide and familiarize yourself with the guide before hosting training sessions.

Section 1

Trainer, Host and co-rules.
These are the rules that must be obeyed by the host, co-host and trainees, break any of these and you will be at risk of punishment.

Who can host?

Junior Corporate + can host/co-host
Aquatic Council + can Rank.
Staff assistant + Can Train/Help
Executive Intern can spectate + Star tourists

(You need a minimum of 5 trainers, one for each rank).

Rules that the Host, co-host and Trainers should follow at ALL times.

1. Remain respectful at all times.

2. Remain a level of professionalism throughout the training.

3. Use grammar at ALL times.

4. Pay attention to the training. If you are the trainer/co-host ask the host before going AFK.

5. Do NOT troll. If you are caught trolling, you will be at risk of being demoted.

6. If you see a fellow co-worker struggling, help them out.

Section 2: How to have a successful training session!

In order to have a fun and successful training you would have to follow these rules:

1. Listen and obey any instructions given by any staff helping out.

2. Be respectful.

3. Use the outline of the guide.

4. Help out those who need it.

5. Warn trainees before kicking them and give them a reason. (3 warns= kick.)

6. Attempt To Get Your Training To Be 30 Mins To 1 Hour.

Section 3: Introduction

You must start this training with this intro.

Host: Greetings! I am [Username]. My rank here at Waterworld is [Rank]. I will get the pleasure of hosting this training today. My co-host(s) will now introduce themself(s).

Co-host: Greetings! I am [Username]. My rank here at Waterworld is [Rank]. I will get the pleasure of co-hosting this training today!

Ranker: Greetings! I am [Username]. My rank here at Waterworld is [Rank]. I will get the pleasure of ranking this training today!


Host: Before we begin this training, let’s go through a few rules to assist you in your success throughout this session today.

Rule 1. Obey all orders given by the host, co-host, or the trainer you will be assigned to today.

Rule 2. Remain respectful at all times. Disrespect will not be tolerated and will lead to.

Rule 3. Do not ask for a rank. Doing so may lead to your dismissal, or a demotion.

Rule 4. If you encounter any issues, please contact your trainer, the co-host or the host to assist you.

Rule 5. PTS (Permission to Speak) is active. Do not speak without using it or you will be warned than kicked.

Rule 6. Do not make random movements out of STS.

Rule 7. Do not go AFK (Away From Keyboard) without the hosts’ permission.

Rule 8. Have fun!

Any questions before we start the quiz? Ask them now if you do.

Alright! We will now split into 5 separate groups. You will be called into a single file line by a trainer, you will follow that trainer when they tell you to.

Note: This is why you will need 5 trainers, one for each rank. Also after each group is in the lines the host will say to the trainers they can go to their training spots.

Trainer A:
Trainee to Junior Lifeguard.
(Junior Lifeguard)

Trainer: “Greetings! I am (username), and I will be your trainer for today!”

Helper: “Hello! I am (username), and I will be your assistant trainer for today!”

Trainer: “Our assistant trainer will now say a few of the training rules, please listen carefully!”

(Note: If you don’t have an assistant trainer just say the rules anyway.)


  1. “If for any reason you need to go AFK please let me or (Trainers username) know!”

  2. Please be attentive and respectful throughout the whole session; you will be quizzed on the topic at the end.”

  3. “If at any point during this training you have an issue or question please use PTS in order for us to keep the training running as smoothly as possible without everyone shouting out.”

  4. “These are the rules of today’s awesome training session! Please note that if you break any of these rules there will be consequences.

General training:
“To start off we will be going over the main duties of a Junior lifeguard!”
“Firstly you should attend the shifts as much as possible.”
“And your main duty as a Junior lifeguard is to patrol the pools and slides to make sure guest are using the slides in the correct manner, but if there is other issues like someone trolling and no one is doing anything about it, then you should report it to a staff that is in game or notify a staff in the dizzy”

“Now let’s move onto greetings”
“My example of a greeting is “Welcome to Waterworld! I am (username), if you have any questions please ask a member of staff and do not troll. Have fun!”
“I will now give you a moment to state your greeting.”
(Trainees should state their greeting.)

(NOTE: Make sure they are using grammar.)

Trainer: “We will move on to the troller test. The helper will act as a trolling guest. You must act in a suitable manner to control the situation.”
Helper: - Trolls trainees (Use caps)

Note - Trainees should give the helper 3 clear warnings and then contact a higher rank.

“Now I will PM you questions, try your best to answer!”

Q1: “What is your main duty as a Junior Lifeguard?”

(Don’t say this:
Answer: If someone is trying to troll then I will report it to a staff and tell the troller to stop.)

Q2: “What will you do if you see someone trying to troll?”

(Don’t say this:
Answer: If someone is trolling then I will tell them to stop and if they continue I will report it to a MR+.)

Q3: “When will be an appropriate time to use your whistle?”

(Don’t say this:
Answer: The appropriate time to use my whistle is when there is a visitor breaking the rules.)

Q4: “If you are the only staff in the game what will you do if there is a troller?”

(Don’t say this:
Answer: I will go to the dizzy server and ping an MR+ that is online to inform them of the issue.)

NOTE: They need at least 2/4 questions correct to pass, also some of the answers may vary.

Trainer B:
Junior Lifeguard to Lifeguard.
Trainer: Greetings! I am (username) and I will be your trainer for today!

Helper: “Hello! I am (username) and I will be your assistant trainer for today!”

Trainer: “Our assistant trainer will now say a few of the training rules so please listen carefully!”

“1. If you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), please let us know! If not, we’ll have to kick you.”
“2. Please pay attention! There will be a short quiz after training.”
“3. Be kind and if you have a question, please do not shout it out. We’ll come around asking for any questions in between the training.”
4. “Those are our rules for training today. Please give us a moment and our trainer will begin training. Best of luck!”
General training:

Trainer: “We will begin training with the troller test. The helper will act as a trolling guest. You must act in a suitable manner to control the situation.”
Helper: - Trolls trainees (Use caps)

Note - Trainees should give the helper 3 clear warnings and then contact a higher rank.

Trainer: “We will now proceed with the questions. I will pm you 4 questions, answer them to the best of your ability.”

Note - Pm the trainees the following questions. Wait for them to respond to each one.

Question 1. What is your main duty as a LifeGuard?
Answer: The job of a LifeGuard is to ensure others’ safety in the waterpark.
Q2 - What do you do if someone is climbing the slide which you are operating?
Answer - Tell them to get off / warn them for climbing. (Allow similar answers)

Q3 - If someone continues to climb the slides, what do you do?

Answer - Contact a higher rank (Allow similar answers)

Q4 - How did your time as Junior lifeguard help prepare you to become a Lifeguard?
Answer - Answers will vary a lot, use your own judgement. Look for answers with good grammar and wording.

Note - The trainees will need minimum 2/4 answers correct, as well as passing the troll section.

Trainer C:
Lifeguard to Security

Trainer: Greetings! I am (username) and I will be your trainer for today!

Helper: “Hello! I am (username) and I will be your assistant trainer for today!”

Trainer: “Our assistant trainer will now say a few of the training rules so please listen carefully!”

“1. If you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), please let us know! If not, we’ll have to kick you.”
“2. Please pay attention! There will be a short quiz after training.”
“3. Be kind and if you have a question, please do not shout it out. We’ll come around asking for any questions in between the training.”
4. “Those are our rules for training today. Please give us a moment and our trainer will begin training. Best of luck!”

General training:

Trainer: “We will begin training with the troller test. The helper will act as a trolling guest. You must act in a suitable manner to control the situation.”
Helper: - Trolls trainees (Use caps)

Note - Trainees should give the helper 3 clear warnings and then contact a higher rank.

Trainer: “We will now proceed with the questions. I will pm you 4 questions, answer them to the best of your ability.”

Question 1. What will you do if someone is climbing a slide?
Anwer: Handcuff them to bring them down, and warn them.

Question 2. When will it be appropriate to use the handcuffs?
Answer: If someone is breaking the rules. (Many other answers may be accepted if surrounding the subject or related to the question. Must be correct by the trainer’s decision.

Question 3. What will you do if someone is being non-compliant?
Answer: Warn them. (Answers may vary)

Question 4. In what case will you involve a moderator/administrator?
Answer: If someone has over 3 warnings, and is non-compliant. (Answers may vary)

Question 5. What is the main duty of a Park Security?
Answer: To ensure others’ safety in the waterpark.

Section 6 Graduation

When the trainers finish with the trainees they will forcefield whoever got 2/4 on the quiz, using the “ff [username]” command then you will send the trainees back to the area you started in, and the co-host will say the line below.

Co-Host: Congrats on making it this far! We will now start promoting you guys who got FF’d.

The Host can now choose 1-3 trainers/assistants to be promoted; any staff member there at the rank of Shift Manager can’t be promoted to the next rank as you need to be noticed by a SHR or noticed by the community to get a HR rank. The host/ranker will now rank the members who passed. REMEMBER TO LOG THE PROMOTIONS!

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