Wave Defense Game where you can build your own base

So basically, I’ve been working on this project for several months, it’s the game where you can build your own base, and survive against the enemy waves, it’s like Tower Defense game but you can interact with towers and enemies, and enemies can actually attack and destroy your base.
Here are some GIFs:







I would be happy to play it, a nice concept. I hope this game doesn’t be a pay2win :+1:

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thanks for your reply, of course I dont want to make a pay2win game, but i would like to sell building skins as gamepasses


It’s very visually appealing! I really like it!


It’s an outstanding game! Heres why.

  • It engages the player quite well

  • It gives the player a moment to decide different strategies and gives a feeling to progress even further.

  • The difficulty of the game in itself gets more and more as you progress.(i.e more new stronger enemies with different abilities).

So overall gives pretty solid gameplay and is even more fun when you play it with friends.

Heres a few stuff I’d like to be added: (Of course it’s just a demo for now but yeah)

  • It would be fun if there are maps of different themes and a separate lobby.

  • I’d definitely recommend adding different types of game modes.

  • Maybe a colourful UI could also give it an overall better feel (totally depends on you on which theme you’d like it to go with)

  • Make a wave system which would give time for the player to decide strategies.

Tower defence games are the games which I really enjoy to play a lot since I was a small child.

Totally am looking forward to seeing how this game turns out to be!
Good luck with your project @RyansoPlaying! :wink:


Nice game! Looks entertaining, I’ll check it out. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Really good game, I really enjoyed it.

However, After awhile the gameplay got a bit boring.

You should add special waves and boss waves.

(With special meaning like rounds with only one type of monster)

Edit: Maybe make a counter so people can see how long they’ve got before the robots come.
That way they can prepare themselves.

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This game is pretty fun and engaging. I really liked the experience for the first 10-20 minutes. The demo is pretty impressive overall, and I cannot wait till you finish the game. The only things I have complaints about is after a while the gameplay gets rather stale and repetitive and isn’t really that fun to play, but that is expected due to this only being a demo build, and so far you have done a really great job on this game. I really like the way you are going, and I can’t wait to see what this becomes. Impressive work, @RyansoPlaying! I have nothing else to say because so far you have done most of the game right, except that I am really excited to see what this will become.


Fast and Furious. My grandsons will love it. Too quick for my slow hands. :grinning:

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Thank you for your feedback!
most of your suggestions are already in my plan. thanks a lot!

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Thanks. Enemy counter is a great idea.

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Youre right. It gets pretty boring after like 20 minutes, since you have a nice fort with fully upgraded walls so that enemies won’t be able to reach your base. anyways, thank you for your feedback.

No problem! I’m always here if you need some ideas.

Edit: I’ll be sure to recommend this game to my friends :slight_smile:


Judging from the demo alone, this is a pretty solid game so far. I can’t wait for the full release!

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I love the look of the game, I am making something very similar and its almost completed Would love to chat and compare Thanks for the time!


Also after playing the demo, I can say the fast pace is very cool, But i felt it was missing 2 small things, the ability to move placed items, ( that being said i understand the principle of selling i did the same thing in my game) and the ability to repair with money, IMO if you were to add a shop with the ability to buy Coins or in game currency players would buy a lot of packs to boost the amount of coins they currently hold, just remember to keep it cheap. Finding the balance of repair time / cost is hard as all players want a different play style, ultimately this will be up to you ( Good Luck on that aspect ). I think if I click on the object and repair for money would be interesting and help you boost in game sales, unless you are going to be very strict on having only the gems towers heal, Any way very good job I cant wait to play the full version!

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I played it and i loved it but i have some problems:

  1. This game have rounds? if not then you could add it? like you must protect something and if gets destroyed the game resets

  2. Nerf a bit the enemies, cause i started and was a bit difficult to kill them since i have experience of fighting games.

  3. Forcefield from spawn is not working… Shooters and Brawlers can avoid the forcefield and kill me.

I love your game, thanks for the game.

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After playing for a bit i noticed some things:

  1. The camera, When you zoom out it goes into the ceiling wich is annoying.

  2. If you keep rejoining you keep getting free 4k so free upgrades.

3.The enemies become way too strong way too fast

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The tricky aspect of wave defense games is making them replayable. Players who made it to a high level would be disappointed to start over from the scratch. One way to incentivize replayability is by giving players tiered prizes for making it to certain levels that they can keep permanently.

There should also be an option that lets you vote waves to speed up.

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Is there supposed to be this many mechs? It was fine with 2 or 3 but then like 30 mechs came at once and we lost.

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