Wavy's Cafe build {WIP}


Tell me what you think??? about this build

Looks great, but consider adding more details inside of the cafe, such as a fireplace, plants, and random good cafe-style paintings also try to add some sort of texture to the cafe floor since it looks plain.

Overall, great job.

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It’s quite bland and uses a wide range of free models. From my POV, there are little to no details, a very bland and continuous pattern on the outside, and a varying color palette that makes no sense at all. The interior is gray, and dark, and free models are use excessively. From what I can see, the counters are just a duplicated wood block trying to mimic the style of popular cafe games, but having no detail and using bad materials.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, I hope you can improve!


Also, you’ve been using WAAYYYY too small increments. The lowest you should go is 0.05, maybe 0.025 if you need to. NEVER uncheck the box.