I am using windshake plugin made by boatbomber
I want to record my scene in Run mode but the plugin doesnt show unless i actually Play
Is there anyway i can make this work please help meh
yeah i have an easy fix
all you have to do is play the game
I know, shocking, but it totally works!
I suppose you can toggle Freecam in Play mode. To do that, you can press Shift + Cntrl + P and it should enable it. It acts pretty similarly to Run mode so that might help.
Also, if the plugin is client-sided, then trying it in Run mode won’t do anything since it’s essentially just playing as the server. The only fix I can think of is to make it server-sided, but that might require a lot of work.
thx alots for the reply man, it was ur answer combine with nil rodotiv i was able to solve this problem, hope yall have a good weekend
If I were you, I’d Play Solo, go to game.CoreGui
and delete everything in there.
If you don’t see CoreGui
in the Explorer, go to Studio Settings and turn on Show Core GUI in Explorer while Playing
If you delete everything in there, the Roblox Logo, Chat and any other core elements will be completely gone until you stop the game, in which everything will be regenerated during your next Play Solo session.
you are my goat bro
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