I’m not sure if this place is the right place to ask, but I am trying to rip out the code/gui needed to make the roblox’s “settings” page (Settings, Leave, Reset, etc)
I am trying to use the CoreScripts from the RobloxGui (in CoreGui) but it is turning into a hassle due to not having the proper permissions to call from services (CorePackages)
I am either looking for a way to:
Rip an already made GUI from roblox’s scripts.
Manage to have access to the CorePackages so I can reference it.
I have no clue if this is possible at all, but I have some hope.
As always, any help is needed and always appreciated!
I don’t think that’s possible. This is because I have never seen anyone do this before, even on popular games. And on a different post, someone said this is almost impossible.
I think there’s a chance where it might be possible, I saw on an old post where people can get access into the children of CorePackages (its from 2020 so idk if it works anymore)
I did something similar, I rescripted Roblox’s player list from scratch.
You can get the GUI by turning on this setting (it’s under “Studio”), then you can navigate the core GUI service which contains everything relating to the CoreGUI.
You will need to rescript it from scratch, this’ll just give you a static copy of the core GUI.
Oh got you, my bad. Assuming you’re on windows you can go here to see the CorePackages, replacing VERSION with the relevant version (currently version-d9128aa1071a43de at the time of writing)