Ways to Create Outline on a cylinder

I am currently making a simulator and I need to make a model that when player touches it, it will give out daily reward. But I have an issue about the base of the model which is the plate. I would like to add a selection box on it but it looks like it does not work:
I know that there are many similar posts but I would like to ask that is there any other ways to create outline of a cylinder besides selection box? Or is there anything I missed about the selection box?

As Roblox has removed the outline feature, you can do this through two methods:

  1. Use a program like Blender to create a wireframe mesh and upload it to Roblox.


  1. Duplicate the base part 2 times. For one of the parts, decrease the X and Z sizes by a small amount, but increase the height to cover the top of the cylinder. For the second part, increase the X and Z sizes to cover the sides of the base part, but decrease the Y scale by a slight amount. Take the two duplicated parts and then click ‘Negate’ in the model tab. Select all three parts, and then click ‘Union’
    Then you’ll have an outline, like the one I’ve made below.

Just duplicate the part and negate and union.


Hmm… It don’t really work…:

I have created an rbxm file of the outlined cylinder for you to use.

Outline Cylnder.rbxm (32.6 KB)

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I think @ardrous answer is the best solution but if you want a mathy way of doing it what you could do is create parts around the perimeter by getting the size of the ones which arent a tube, say if the cylinder was facing up we would ignore the y then for loop new parts with

part = (math.cos(i)*cylinder.Size.X + Vector3.new(cylinder.Position.X, cylinder.Position.Y + cylinder.Size.Y*0.5, cylinder.Position.Z), cylinder.Position.Y + cylinder.Size.Y*0.5, math.sin(i)*cylinder.Size.X + Vector3.new(cylinder.Position.X, cylinder.Position.Y + cylinder.Size.Y*0.5, cylinder.Position.Z))

Note i needs to be a value from -1 * math.pi to math.pi

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Change the sizes of the shapes you are negating to increase/decrease the thickness of the outline.

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