Ways to fill a shape with blocks?

Linking in to my last post, from some help I managed to figure out a good efficient way of splitting my block into parts. What I do is Area / the size of the bricks that I want to fill a shape with which gives me a total number of bricks,

I got the number but is there anyway to transfer all these bricks to the shape position to like fill it up?


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Nice idea! You made this look very good man.

You’ll want to start at the lower left front corner and use 3 nested for loops to loop over each position in the volume.

You can get the corner like this:

local left_lower_front_corner = volume.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace( -volume.Size/2 )
local first_block_pos = left_lower_front_corner + Vector3.new(block_size/2, block_size/2, block_size/2)

You can set up the loops like so:

local block_size = 4

local block_prefab = Instance.new("Part")
block_prefab.Anchored = true
block_prefab.Size = Vector3.new(block_size, block_size, block_size)

local volume = script.Parent
local left_lower_front_corner = -volume.Size/2
local first_block_pos = left_lower_front_corner + Vector3.new(block_size/2, block_size/2, block_size/2)

for x = 0, volume.Size.X - block_size, block_size do
	for y = 0, volume.Size.Y - block_size, block_size do
		for z = 0, volume.Size.Z - block_size, block_size do


And create the blocks like this:

local block_offset_objectspace = Vector3.new(x, y, z)
local block_cframe = volume.CFrame * CFrame.new(first_block_pos + block_offset_objectspace)
local block = block_prefab:Clone()
block.Color = Color3.fromHSV(math.random(), 1, 1)
block.CFrame = block_cframe
block.Parent = game.Workspace

Here’s a working example that you can download and drag-n-drop into an open Studio window:
VolumeFiller.rbxm (3.0 KB)


Your honestly a life saver, script works thanks so much!