Fixed 10 bugs (fixed bug with buildings, incorrect description of Electricity, rainbow text, partially fixed bug with ping etc)
Added Halloween Event with 4 new buildings (Invisible pumpkin generator, Pumpkin Upgrades, Candify, Candy Upgrades)
Added “Candify”, “Halloween 2022 welcome” badges and reworked “Trucks” badge
Added 3 new skins
Added 2 new leaderboards (PumpkinWheat and Candy)
Big map changes (Many buildings are now in another position and changed some decorations)
Graphics and atmosphere changes
Reworked “Farmerfly” and “Farmerfly Milestones” buildings and their GUIs
Added new type of wheat “Pumpkin Wheat”, this can spawn with 0.75% chance if “Invisible Pumpkin Generator” building is locked or generator is disabled
Added shower of your Pumpkin Wheat above Wheat shower
Around 10 new Halloween Upgrades
Added teleport to Halloween Location
Changed GUI with teleports (now you can close it)
Now there is almost no irregularities in buildings
Changed size of field
Now everyone can join game, but game will kick you if you didn’t join group
Wait for release update because it will be bigger than the whole game… (10% is ready)