You guys should’ve at least implemented a feature that allows us to receive the classic heads when buying their dynamic versions.
Almost none of the best selling faces are on sale anymore. I see hundreds of bad reuploads. Why can’t we just have faces back?
Happy 1 year since the last time Roblox has replaced an existing classic face/head with a dynamic version lol
People are now re-uploading knockoff copies of the OG faces, and those usually get deleted after two weeks!!
Roblox might have temporarily abandoned the whole idea, given that there haven’t been any new dynamic heads since late 2023.
But we’ll just have to see.
I think I’m just gonna write a framework to remove this feature from my games using R6…
Not only is it unstable, but people do not like my games because of this.
Let’s hope roblox is in the jolly mood to give us dynamic hair and accessories next year
There was a bunch of Layered/Dynamic Accessories an hairs available in that Dynamic Heads demo place, i hope they get released soon on the catalog, along with the bundles.
A new classic face.
This may end up being the death knell for the Great Face Switchover if more like this are released.
Seems like Roblox forgot Dynamic Heads an Layered Clothing exists, lol.
I think its safe to say:
“Roblox Canceled this update”
(Last testing about this update Aug 21 2024)
Yet they don’t return the Classic variants of the Dynamic Heads.
Will the winning smile, chill face and check it ever be on sale again
They are never going to be OnSale until either Roblox finally announces that the update is cancelled or if they feel like it.
they announce something that receives a lot of backlash, then they go radiosilent on the entire project’s progress months down the line and stop providing any formal update on the whole thing
it’s like clockwork!
I would also give up if they have change all 660 faces.
they gave me no chance to get other faces :((((((((((((((((
Roblox staff hosted an AMA today. Looks we finally have somewhat of a response to the radio silence around Classic Faces.
We want avatar heads on our platform to be dynamic and expressive while respecting the broad range of aesthetics that our community loves.
To do this, we’re exploring ways to create dynamic heads from classic faces in a way that retains a face’s original look and feel. We are also exploring letting users choose if they want their faces to be dynamic or static.
Ultimately, we want to do all of this in a way that maximizes user expression while making things easy for our creators.
First off:
“We are also exploring letting users choose if they want their faces to be dynamic or static.”
HUGE! I hope they’ll actually keep their promise.
In regards to the rest of the reply, it’s pretty vague, but it sounds like maybe they’re trying to figure out a way have a Dynamic Head be automatically generated from an existing Classic Face (instead of their previous method of manually creating heads that end up looking nothing like the original face), so that the animated heads can be super-accurate to the original face, and also to make it way easier for creators to create their own Dynamic Heads by simply just inputting a 2D face?
I probably shouldn’t get my hopes up, but if this is all true then this is insane.
i hope they keep their promise too!! giving users the option to choose between static or dynamic instead of forcing dynamic [for users that didnt buy a particular classic face in time before it was taken off-sale anyways] is a much better option. personally i think it’d be a huge step in rebuilding the trust a lot of users lost.
We still don’t have an update if they cancelled the update or not.